How does SymPlace manage team risks?

We are experienced serial entrepreneurs who know that we are not and must not be irreplaceable. We will build a solid organization as soon as the company takes off. And we have more curiosity and energy than many people who are younger by several decades.

The founding team is primarily made up of individuals who are either retired or could afford to be. The members affectionately call themselves the "Tontons flingueurs", referencing a 1963 film about retired gangsters returning to action. They collectively have 190 years of experience as entrepreneurs, managers, computer scientists, teachers, and consultants. For SymPlace to fully take off, it will take 7 to 10 years, which will require agreat deal of energy, endurance, and adaptability to changing circumstances, and may seem long considering the founders' ages.

But the members of SymPlace's team have, throughout their lives, again and again, created new businesses and activities. This keeps them "young," in the sense of curiosity, flexibility, and endurance.

Of course, we know that a robust organization must quickly move beyond supposedly "irreplaceable" individuals to grow on a large scale. We have built and developed many organizations. And even if it's simply because being "irreplaceable" means being limited in our individual freedom,we have always ensured that we make ourselves replaceable as early as possible in the businesses we have created and developed. Recruiting young talents requires financial resources (at this stage, we have come quite far thanks to our personal efforts). Once we have the funds, we will start building our organization and recruiting bright young individuals to help us develop and perpetuate our business.