How does SymPlace confront the technological risks related to privacy protection?

An Augmented Learning Collaboration (ALC) that covers all areas of life raises strong new GDPR / privacy protection challenges. SymPlace's solution is to ensure protection by design by basing symBots and private virtual assistants on Web4.0 technology, with which users and virtual agents have complete control over their data.

An Augmented Learning Collaboration (ALC) as targeted by SymPlace raises challenges in terms of GDPR, which haven't even been resolved by companies like OpenAI, who have far more resources than SymPlace will have, at least in the short term. Businesses that regularly collect user data on a scale that seems modest compared to SymPlace are being fined by national data protection agencies for violations of data protection laws. Does SymPlace stand a chance of solving this?

GDPR-compliant design is the core purpose of SymPlace's architecture and its partnership with Refinio, SymPlace's technological partner. GDPR compliance issues essentially arise because data is collected from users through their clients, then stored and processed on servers independently of these users. With SymPlace, each user (specifically their PVA - private virtual assistant) and each symBot (virtual agent) will be an autonomous “Internet server,” cooperating with other servers. The implementation of Augmented Learning Collaboration (ALC) by SymPlace is one of its main competitive advantages. And yes, SymPlace is new and relatively untested, but Refinio gathers experts with an excellent reputation in the industry, who have technology that is already well advanced.